I felt a little sadned that instead of listening to my prayer God is actually expecting me to consol him. But I lost the battle over the honor I am being given in love to be active and to transmit love instead of just receiving. It requires exercises of opening our hearts so we can receive all the love that we can if we are to give it to others, to Christ. After all, this prayer also seem to remind the words of judgement. But it is good to do the will of God out of love instead of out of fear of judgement. Here are the Promises of Consolation to Christ said during the Holy Hour.
As mother Teresa said, we can find Jesus in two places: In our neighbours and in the consecrated bread and wine. So we can console him by trying to be more loving to those around us, even when we may need consolation ourselves. On the judgment day he will remind us that everytime we negleted anyone, we were doing it to him.
For anyone who may have doubt like this priest about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist click this link:
Lanciano, Italy -- 8th century A.D. A priest has doubts about the Real Presence; however, when he consecrates the Host it transforms into flesh and blood. This miracle has undergone extensive scientific examination and can only be explained as a miracle. The flesh is actually cardiac tissue which contains arterioles, veins, and nerve fibers. The blood type as in all other approved Eucharistic miracles is type AB! Histological micrographs are shown.
Or Here is a youtube video. The Lord try to confirm his people in Faith. In this tabernacle, just like it is shown on the Sacred Heart picture, the Sacred Heart is in flame and it is bleeding.
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